Download king's field 2
Download king's field 2

A spiritual successor to the series, named Demon's Souls, was released Februin Japan for the PlayStation 3. King's Field IV was released several years later for the PlayStation 2 on October 4, 2001. The next two King's Field titles followed in quick succession: King's Field II on Jand King's Field III on June 21, 1996. The game's fully 3D, first person perspective was groundbreaking among console role-playing games of the time and received significant critical acclaim. King's Field was released for the PlayStation in Japan on December 16, 1994, 13 days after the PlayStation console itself went on sale. Titles in this series have been released for the PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Microsoft Windows and various mobile phone platforms.

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It is known for its brooding atmosphere and cryptic, labyrinthine dungeons. King's Field (キングスフィールド) is a console role-playing game series developed by From Software and localized into English by ASCII Entertainment (who later reformed into Agetec). Magic is divided into disciplines and special crystals are required to become proficient in any of them.PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Microsoft Windows and Mobile phone The game's world is larger than in the earlier games and has more open-air areas, including several towns with friendly NPCs.

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Gameplay-wise, it is similar to the previous installments, offering vast interconnected areas open for exploration and a variety of enemies to defeat with the help of weapons and magic. The events of the game take place fifteen years after those depicted in its predecessor. Despite the number in its Western release title, it is the third game in the series, originally entitled King's Field III. King's Field II is a first-person action role-playing game. Unfortunately, the king fell victim to the ensuing corruption, and Lyle must acquire magical powers from the four greatest mages in the kingdom in order to complete his quest.

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Players take on the role of Lyle, the king's son, in his quest to retrieve the Moonlight Sword and save the kingdom and his father. A storm runs through the kingdom of Verdite, taking away the precious Moonlight Sword and spreading evil throughout the land.

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