Gilgamesh and Aliyan BalThe Shemite PentadElam-GilgameshShemite ColonizationThe Ugaritic MythShem and the TeutonsShem and the HellenesTeutons at Second Kish Eber’s BetrayalBritish CeltsThe Teutates PanelThe Penarddun LinkAbortive Empire of Teutates9.

The Japhethite FourteenTragedy at MetelisJaphethite Watch-dog RoleJapheth-Nimrod VendettaIndo-European Swastika7. The Dispersion from ArattaThe Volkertafel Sixty-SixThe Cernunnus PanelSchism of the Eighth EraThe Medb and Taranis PanelsThe Ordinal Dispersion BranchesUnclassifiable Languages6.

The Canaanite ElevenGenesis 10:15-18Two Colonization OutlinesCanaanite Colonization5. Indo-EuropeansEleven Indo-European GroupsThe Indo-European HomelandLaurence Austine WaddellSons of Ur Nanshe4. Eleven Colonies of the Fifth EraAntediluvian Dynasties From the Great Above to the Great Below Aryan Samveda Hellenic Origins Hesiod’s Theogony Memphite Theology A 3. Mesopotamian PassagesA Sumerian Flood Text Epic of Gilgamesh Babylonian Genesis Inanna and the God of Wisdom Courtship of Inanna and Dumuzi From the Great Above to the Great Below The Dream of DumuziBabylonian Genesis Enmerkar and the En of Aratta Lugalbanda and Aratta Sumerian King-List 2. – Book demonstrates ancient history from Noah to Abraham using the ancient pantheons, king lists, genealogies and myths of Mesopotamia and the world, identifying many of the ancient gods and goddesses as cultural versions of the Genesis Patriarchs the first Empire builders succeeding the Great Flood. A monogenetic based Postdiluvian history as obtained from a synthesis of the Hebrew Genesis, Mesopotamian and East Indian King Lists, pantheons, national Creation accounts, and the Gundestrup Caldron.